R Programming - Conditions


2 == 3
5 < 6

c(1,4) >= 6

9 != 8

5 < 6 & 9 != 8
score <- 80
exam_no <- 2

score >= 75 | exam_no == 1

score>=75 & score<90 | exam_no==1

if (Stand-Alone) Statement

The if statement executes a chunk of code if and only if a defined condition is TRUE, which looks something like this:

if(TRUE) message("It was true!")
## It was true!
if(FALSE) message("It wasn't true!")

if(TRUE&FALSE) message("It was true!")

if(TRUE|FALSE) message("It doesn't matter")
## It doesn't matter
a <- 3
num <- 4

if ( a != num ) {
## [1] 3
a <- 3
num <- 4

if ( a <= num ) {
a <- a ^ 2
## [1] 9

if (Stand-Alone) Statement

num <- -1

if ( num < 0 ) {
  print("num is negative.")
  print("Don't worry, I'll fix it.") 
  num <- num * -1
  print("Now num is positive.")
## [1] "num is negative."
## [1] "Don't worry, I'll fix it."
## [1] "Now num is positive."
## [1] 1

if (Stand-Alone) Statement

if (Stand-Alone) Statement

Try it

Is it in the range ?

x <- 6
y <- 2

if ( x > 3 & x == 7 ) {
  print("It is in the range")
  z <- x + y

Is it in the range ?

x <- 6
y <- 2

if ( x > 3 & x <= 7 ) {
  print("It is in the range")
  z <- x + y
## [1] "It is in the range"
## [1] 8

Try it

You have a fruit which is yellow.

Is that a banana?

Or an orange ?

banana <- "yellow"
my_fruit <- "yellow"

if ( my_fruit == banana ) {
  print("Your fruit might be a banana")
orange <- "orange"
my_fruit <- "yellow"

if ( my_fruit == orange ) {
  print("Your fruit is not a banana")

else - Statement

If you want something different to happen when the condition is FALSE, you can add an else declaration.

      message("This won't execute...")
} else
      message("but this will.")
## but this will.
a <- 3.5
b <- 0.5

if (a <= 0.5) {
  c <- b + 1
} else {
  c <- b
## [1] 0.5

Let’s say we have two conditions. Rainy or Shiny.

And you have recorded 4 mm precipitation.

weather <-       # mm           # fill this number

if ( ) {                        # fill this condition, using weather
  print("it is rainy")
} else {
  print("it is shiny")

Report the weather. Is it rainy ?

Let’s say we have two conditions. Rainy or Shiny.

And you have recorded 4 mm precipitation.

weather <- 4      # mm              # fill this number

if ( weather > 0 ) {                # fill this condition, using weather
  print("it is rainy")              
} else {
  print("it is shiny")
## [1] "it is rainy"

-else - and -else if- Statement

If your situation has more than two mutually exclusive cases, use else and if statements together.

a <- 1                  # team 'a' has 1 goal
b <- 1                  # team 'b' has 1 goal

if (a > b) { 
  print("A wins!")
} else if (a < b) { 
  print("B wins!")
} else {
## [1] "Tie."

What do you gonna do ? Eating, Sleeping, or Reading?

When do you want to read ?

  • When you are hungry, or sleepy. No.
  • When you are not hungry and sleepy. Yes.

So, start to think about your feelings about sleeping or eating to decide whether reading or not.

-else - and -else if- Statement

What do you gonna do ? Eating, Sleeping, or Reading?

Let’s start with define the conditions

  • If you are hungry –> eat

  • If you are sleepy –> sleep

    • If you are hungry and sleepy –> ?
    • If you are hungry but not sleepy –> ?
    • If you are not hungry but sleepy –> ?
    • If you are not hungry and sleepy –> ?

What do you gonna do ? Eat, Sleep or Read?

  • If you are hungry and sleepy –> eat
  • If you are hungry but not sleepy –> eat
  • If you are not hungry but sleepy –> sleep
  • If you are not hungry and sleepy –> read

Let’s define your feelings. Yes (TRUE,1) or No (FALSE,0)

  • Are you hungry ?
  • Are you sleepy ?
hungry <-                   # TRUE or FALSE (1 or 0)
sleepy <-                   # TRUE or FALSE (1 or 0)

What do you gonna do ? Eat, Sleep or Read?

    1. If you are hungry and sleepy –> eat
    1. If you are hungry but not sleepy –> eat
    1. If you are not hungry but sleepy –> sleep
    1. If you are not hungry and sleepy –> read
hungry <- TRUE                  # Yes , TRUE , 1
sleepy <- TRUE                  # Yes , TRUE , 1

if ( ) { 
  print(" ")
} else if ( ) { 
  print(" ")
} else if ( ) { 
  print(" ")
} else {
  print(" ")

What do you gonna do ? Eat, Sleep or Read?

    1. If you are hungry and sleepy –> eat
    1. If you are hungry but not sleepy –> eat
    1. If you are not hungry but sleepy –> sleep
    1. If you are not hungry and sleepy –> read
hungry <- TRUE                  # Yes , TRUE , 1
sleepy <- TRUE                  # Yes , TRUE , 1

if ( ) {                    # hungry is TRUE and sleepy is TRUE
  print(" ")
} else if ( ) {             # hungry is TRUE and sleepy is FALSE
  print(" ")
} else if ( ) {             # hungry is FALSE and sleepy is TRUE
  print(" ") 
} else {                    # hungry is FALSE and sleepy is FALSE
  print(" ")

What do you gonna do ? Eat, Sleep or Read?

  • If you are hungry and sleepy –> eat
  • If you are hungry but not sleepy –> eat
  • If you are not hungry but sleepy –> sleep
  • If you are not hungry and sleepy –> read
hungry <- TRUE                  # Yes , TRUE , 1
sleepy <- TRUE                  # Yes , TRUE , 1

if (hungry==TRUE & sleepy==TRUE) {          # hungry is TRUE and sleepy is TRUE
  print(" ")
} else if (hungry==TRUE & sleepy==FALSE) {  # hungry is TRUE and sleepy is FALSE
  print(" ")
} else if (hungry==FALSE & sleepy==TRUE) {  # hungry is FALSE and sleepy is TRUE
  print(" ") 
} else {                                    # hungry is FALSE and sleepy is FALSE
  print(" ")
## [1] " "

What do you gonna do ? Eat, Sleep or Read?

  • If you are hungry and sleepy –> eat
  • If you are hungry but not sleepy –> eat
  • If you are not hungry but sleepy –> sleep
  • If you are not hungry and sleepy –> read
hungry <- TRUE                  # Yes , TRUE , 1
sleepy <- TRUE                  # Yes , TRUE , 1

if (hungry==TRUE & sleepy==TRUE) {          # hungry is TRUE and sleepy is TRUE
} else if (hungry==TRUE & sleepy==FALSE) {  # hungry is TRUE and sleepy is FALSE
} else if (hungry==FALSE & sleepy==TRUE) {  # hungry is FALSE and sleepy is TRUE
} else {                                    # hungry is FALSE and sleepy is FALSE
## [1] "EAT"

Nesting and Stacking Statements

An if statement can be placed in another if statement. In the editor, modify the mynumber example once more as follows:

Nesting and Stacking Statements

Nesting and Stacking Statements

Nesting and Stacking Statements

Nesting and Stacking Statements

Practice - Conditions - TRUE and FALSE

  1. Print this if it is TRUE. “This message will print!”
if (...) {
  1. Go to sleep if it is TRUE, else wake up.
if (...) {
   print("Go to sleep!")
} else {
   print("Wake up!")
  1. The variable message to “I print this when it is false!” when the condition is FALSE.
if (...) {
  print("I print this when it is true!")
} else {

Practice - Conditions - Logical Op

ROLE PLAY : You are a CAR, and you are going on the road.

Problem : BUT ;

  • Traffic (stop) light turned to orange
  • Two pedestrians started to walk across the road

How can you move ?

  • Waiting for the traffic (stop) light turns to green
  • Waiting for pedestrians pass to the across of the road

Parameters :

  • The COLOR of the traffic (stop) light
  • The NUMBER of pedestrians

You are a CAR, BUT ;

  • Traffic (stop) light turned to orange
  • Two pedestrians started to walk across the road

Parameters :

  • The COLOR of the traffic (stop) light
  • The NUMBER of pedestrians

First, define the situation

Traffic_Stop_Light <- 'orange'
Number_of_Pedestrians <- 2

You are a CAR, BUT ;

Traffic_Stop_Light <- 'orange'
Number_of_Pedestrians <- 2

Second, define the conditions to move again

Traffic_Stop_Light : ?
Number_of_Pedestrians : ?

Practice - Conditions - Logical Op


Traffic_Stop_Light <- 'orange'
Number_of_Pedestrians <- 2


Traffic_Stop_Light : 'green'
Number_of_Pedestrians : 0

Remember rules

if (...) {
} else {


Traffic_Stop_Light <- 'orange'
Number_of_Pedestrians <- 2


Traffic_Stop_Light : 'green'
Number_of_Pedestrians : 0

Remember rules

if ( & ) {
} else {


Traffic_Stop_Light <- 'orange'
Number_of_Pedestrians <- 2


Traffic_Stop_Light : 'green'
Number_of_Pedestrians : 0

Remember rules

if (Traffic_Stop_Light=='green' & Number_of_Pedestrians==0) {
} else {
## [1] "STOP"

Practice - Conditions - Logical Op

Problem : You want to enjoy, and let’s say the day is;

day <- "Friday"

What do you gonna do if it is Friday.

if (...) {
  print('Enjoy the weekend!')
} else {
  print('Do some work.')

day <- "Friday"

What do you gonna do if it is Friday.

if ( day... | day... ) {
  print('Enjoy the weekend!')
} else {
  print('Do some work.')

Practice - Conditions - Logical Op

ANSWER : You want to enjoy, and let’s say the day is;

day <- "Friday"

It is okay, you can fun if it is weekend.

if (day == 'Saturday' | day == 'Sunday') {
  print('Enjoy the weekend!')
} else {
  print('Do some work.')
## [1] "Do some work."

Practice - Conditions - Logical Op

Problem : You want to go out and your question is

“Should I take an umbrella?”

Note : There are two variables in your code,

“sky” (character) and “high_chance_of_rain” (logical)

  • Check, if “sky” is equal to “cloudy” and, whether there is a “high_chance_of_rain”.

  • If both are true, the code should print: “Take umbrella!”

  • Otherwise, the code should print: “No need for umbrella!”

  • Based on the condition, what is the answer?

      RADIO: The sky is cloudy and the chance of rain is high.

Your conditions, for two variables

# you want to go out and your question is "Should I take an umbrella?"

sky <- 

high_chance_of_rain <- 

Practice - Conditions - Logical Op

# you want to go out and your question is "Should I take an umbrella?"

sky <- "cloudy"

high_chance_of_rain <- TRUE

Practice - Conditions - Logical Op

# you want to go out and your question is "Should I take an umbrella?"

sky <- "cloudy"

high_chance_of_rain <- TRUE
if (...) {
} else { 
if (...) {
  print("Take umbrella!")
} else { 
  print("No need for umbrella!")
# you want to go out and your question is "Should I take an umbrella?"

sky <- "cloudy"

high_chance_of_rain <- TRUE
if ( sky... & high_chance_of_rain... ) {
  print("Take umbrella!")
} else { 
  print("No need for umbrella!")

Practice - Conditions - Logical Op

# you want to go out and your question is "Should I take an umbrella?"

sky <- "cloudy"

high_chance_of_rain <- TRUE

if (sky == "cloudy" & high_chance_of_rain == TRUE) {
  print("Take umbrella!")
} else { 
  print("No need for umbrella!")
## [1] "Take umbrella!"

Practice - R Language


  • Manage Working Directory

  • Find the Data

  • Read Data with utils (R utility functions)

Practice - R Language

Manage Working Directory

  • getwd() - get working directory
  • list.files() # or dir()
## [1] "/Users/emirtoker/Desktop/Memurluk/Software_Tools_for_Earth_&_Environmental_Science/Software_Tools_R_Github"
##  [1] "_site.yml"                                                                   
##  [2] "about.Rmd"                                                                   
##  [3] "additional_course.Rmd"                                                       
##  [4] "book.Rmd"                                                                    
##  [5] "code.Rmd"                                                                    
##  [6] "data_download.Rmd"                                                           
##  [7] "data_sources.Rmd"                                                            
##  [8] "data_structure.Rmd"                                                          
##  [9] "data.Rmd"                                                                    
## [10] "datacamp.Rmd"                                                                
## [11] "dc_logo1.png"                                                                
## [12] "dc_logo2.png"                                                                
## [13] "dc_logo3.png"                                                                
## [14] "dc_logo4.png"                                                                
## [15] "dc_logo5.png"                                                                
## [16] "dc_logo6.png"                                                                
## [17] "docs"                                                                        
## [18] "index.Rmd"                                                                   
## [19] "LICENSE"                                                                     
## [20] "my_r_notebook.Rmd"                                                           
## [21] "ncl.Rmd"                                                                     
## [22] "netcdf.Rmd"                                                                  
## [23] "new_accounts.Rmd"                                                            
## [24] "new_data.csv"                                                                
## [25] "Presentation"                                                                
## [26] "python.Rmd"                                                                  
## [27] "r_and_rstudio.Rmd"                                                           
## [28] "R_Home_Website"                                                              
## [29] "R_Interactive_Samples_with_Shiny_files"                                      
## [30] "R_Interactive_Samples_with_Shiny.html"                                       
## [31] "R_Interactive_Samples_with_Shiny.Rmd"                                        
## [32] "R_Interactive_Training"                                                      
## [33] "r_language.Rmd"                                                              
## [34] "r_probability.Rmd"                                                           
## [35] "r_programming.Rmd"                                                           
## [36] "r_statistics.Rmd"                                                            
## [37] "README.html"                                                                 
## [38] "README.md"                                                                   
## [39] "rsconnect"                                                                   
## [40] "Software_Tools_for_Earth_and_Environmental_Science_Syllabus_2020_21_Fall.png"
## [41] "Software_Tools_for_Earth_and_Environmental_Science_Syllabus.png"             
## [42] "Software_Tools_R_Github.Rproj"                                               
## [43] "syllabus.Rmd"                                                                
## [44] "unix_linux.Rmd"

Practice - R Language

Manage Working Directory

  • setwd() - set working directory
# 1
# 2
## [1] "/Users/emirtoker/Downloads"
##  [1] "[15200442 - Journal of Climate] New Insights into the Ocean Heat Budget Closure Problem from Analysis of the SOC Air–Sea Flux Climatology.pdf"
##  [2] "[World soils book series] Akça, Erhan_ Günal, Hikmet_ Kapur, S - The soils of Turkey (2018, Springer) - libgen.lc.pdf"                        
##  [3] "1-s2.0-S0967064516302144-main.pdf"                                                                                                            
##  [4] "129673100.pdf"                                                                                                                                
##  [5] "2014_Book_UsingRForStatistics.pdf"                                                                                                            
##  [6] "2020-12-23 18-01-23.mkv"                                                                                                                      
##  [7] "255 kodlu taşınırlar.xls"                                                                                                                     
##  [8] "255 kodlu taşınırlar(1).xls"                                                                                                                  
##  [9] "5cf30bfa-7545-4956-91d2-ffcc7761cd42.png"                                                                                                     
## [10] "601201020-89206-2020-12-18-09-37-16.html"                                                                                                     
## [11] "601201020-89206-2020-12-18-09-37-16.rmd"                                                                                                      
## [12] "601202005-89210-2020-12-18-23-45-06.rar"                                                                                                      
## [13] "AYBE İklim ve Deniz Ana Bilim Dalı Tanıtım Videosu Akışı .docx"                                                                               
## [14] "AYBE_İklim_Deniz_ABD_Emir .docx"                                                                                                              
## [15] "cru_1901_2012_tmp_TR.nc"                                                                                                                      
## [16] "ek(1).pdf"                                                                                                                                    
## [17] "FileZilla_3.52.0.5_macosx-x86.app.tar.bz2"                                                                                                    
## [18] "JEOA137.pdf"                                                                                                                                  
## [19] "Mediterranean_Basin_Hotspot_2005_Print.tif"                                                                                                   
## [20] "MT_Project"                                                                                                                                   
## [21] "S0169809520313107.txt"                                                                                                                        
## [22] "Software_Tools_Homework_III_Emir.html"                                                                                                        
## [23] "turkiye"                                                                                                                                      
## [24] "turkiye.zip"
## [1] "~/Users/emirtoker/Downloads/-this_is_my_file.csv"

Practice - R Language

Find the Data

  • file.path()
# Option 1
# setwd("/Users/emirtoker/Downloads/")
# read.csv("-this_is_my_file.csv")

# Option 2
path <- file.path("~","Users","emirtoker","Downloads","-this_is_my_file.csv")
## [1] "~/Users/emirtoker/Downloads/-this_is_my_file.csv"
# read.csv(path)

Practice - R Language

Read Data

with utils (R utility functions)

  • read.csv() - Comma Seperated Value
  • read.delim() - Tab Delimited Data
  • read.table() - Exocit file format

Practice - R Language

Read Data with utils (R utility functions)

read.csv() - Comma Seperated Value

Practice - R Language

Read Data with utils (R utility functions)

read.delim() - Tab Delimited Data

Practice - R Language

Read Data with utils (R utility functions)

read.table() - Exocit file format

Practice - R Language

BONUS - Import Dataset

Practice - R Language

BONUS - Import Dataset

Practice - R Language

BONUS - Import Dataset

Practice - R Language

BONUS - Import Dataset

Practice - R Language

BONUS - Import Dataset

  • 17061_Sariyer_Sariyer_15dk <- read.csv( “~/Desktop/NCL_Script_ve_Gorsel/Makale/ time_series_makale/mgm_veri/17061_Sariyer_Sariyer_15dk.txt”, header=FALSE, sep=“;”)

  • View(17061_Sariyer_Sariyer_15dk)


Practice - R Language

Manage Directory, Find and Read Data


  1. Go to main webpage of course
  2. Open Data “Istanbul_Goztepe_Precipitation_1846-2013_Monthly” (.dat) LINK
  3. Copy and Paste it in your “Downloads” directory in a text file
  4. Open your R Studio

We Have 4 Ways to Read

Practice - R Language

Manage Directory, Find and Read Data

Instructions - WAY 1 - GO TO FILE

  1. Check your Project Name and your Working directory
  2. Go to “Downloads” directory in R Studio
  3. List files and Read Data with three different read functions
    • read.csv()
    • read.delim()
    • read.table()
  4. Choose the best
  5. Assign your data as “precip_1”

Caraful about header, seperater and missing data

look at the main web page for examples

Practice - R Language

Manage Directory, Find and Read Data

Instructions - WAY 2 - CALL THE FILE

  1. Go Back to your Working directory
  2. Define your file path with file.path()
  3. Assign the path a new variable as “path_my_file”
  4. Use your best read() function
  5. Read the file with “path_my_file”
  6. Assign your data as “precip_2”
path_my_file <- file.path("~","Downloads")
precip_2 <- read.table(path_my_file)

Practice - R Language

Manage Directory, Find and Read Data

Instructions - WAY 3 - IMPORT THE FILE

  1. Use “Import Datase”
  2. Assign your data as “precip_3”

Practice - R Language

Manage Directory, Find and Read Data

Instructions - WAY 4 - DOWNLOAD THE FILE

  1. Copy the LINK of data
  2. Use your best read() function
  3. Read the file with this function and LINK
  4. Assign your data as “precip_4”
precip_4 <- read.table("link")

Practice - R Programming

Practice - R Programming


  • Identify the Data

  • Indexing

  • Use Condition Statements

  • Plot

Practice - R Programming

Meet with the Data

  1. Look at structure
  2. Learn attributes and dimensions
  3. Rename attributes

? dimensions, variables and types ?



attributes(precip_2)[[1]] <- c("Year",month.abb)

attr(precip_2,"names") <- c("Year",month.abb)
attr(precip_2,"row.names") <- 1846:2013

precip_2a <- precip_2[-1]

Practice - R Programming

Clear NA and Choose Colomn

  1. Print “precip_2a”
  2. Delete rows which include NA ( na.omit() )
  3. Assign it as “precip_2b”
  4. Select summer season
  5. Assign it as “precip_2b_summer”
precip_2b <- na.omit(precip_2a)
precip_2b_summer <- precip_2b[ ,6:8]

Practice - R Programming

Use Condition Statements - if

  1. Compare June Mean Precipitation with July
  2. IF June mean precipitation is LOWER than July then print “June has low precipitation.”
mean_jun <- mean(precip_2b_summer$Jun)
mean_jul <- mean(precip_2b_summer$Jul)

if (mean_jun > mean_jul) {
  print("June has low precipitation.")


Practice - R Programming

Use Condition Statements - else

  1. IF June mean precipitation is LOWER than July then print “June has low precipitation.”
  2. ELSE print “June has high precipitation.”
  3. Calculate mean of each month ( colMeans() )
mean_jun <- mean(precip_2b_summer$Jun)
mean_jul <- mean(precip_2b_summer$Jul)

if (mean_jun < mean_jul) {
  print("June has low precipitation.")
} else {
  print("June has high precipitation.")


Practice - R Programming


Problem : Extremes and Outliers

  1. Plot precipitation for June
  2. Add title and unit
    xlab = "Years",
    ylab = "Precipitation [mm/month]", 
    main = "Istanbul Monthly Precipitation - June", 
    type = "l", 

Practice - R Programming


Problem : Extremes and Outliers

  1. Edit x-axis, which years are they ?
  2. What about August ?
x_years <- attr(precip_2b_summer,"row.names")

    xlab = "Years",
    ylab = "Precipitation [mm/month]", 
    main = "Istanbul Monthly Precipitation - June", 
    type = "l", 

Practice - R Programming


Problem : Extremes and Outliers


R Programming - Loops

Loops are R’s method for repeating a task, which makes them a useful tool for programming simulations.

R Programming - repeat Loops

  message("Happy Groundhog Day!")

R Programming - repeat Loops

coins <- 3
game <- 0

  game <- game + 1
  coins <- coins -1
  print("nice try, play again")
if (coins==0) {
## [1] 1
## [1] "nice try, play again"
## [1] 2
## [1] "nice try, play again"
## [1] 3
## [1] "nice try, play again"
[1] 1
[1] "nice try, play again"
[1] 2
[1] "nice try, play again"
[1] 3
[1] "nice try, play again"

R Programming - while Loops

While loops are like backward repeat loops.

while(condition) {
conditional statement

R Programming - while Loops

coins <- 3
game <- 0

while(coins >= 0)
  coins <- coins -1
  game <- game + 1
  print("nice try, play again")
## [1] 1
## [1] "nice try, play again"
## [1] 2
## [1] "nice try, play again"
## [1] 3
## [1] "nice try, play again"
## [1] 4
## [1] "nice try, play again"

R Programming - for Loops

The third type of loop is to be used when you know exactly how many times you want the code to repeat.

R Programming - for Loops

for(i in 1:2) {
message("just say it ", i, " times")
## just say it 1 times
## just say it 2 times

R Programming - for Loops

for(i in c(1,2) ) {
message("just say it ", i, " times")
## just say it 1 times
## just say it 2 times
for(i in c("apple","banana") ) {
message("just say it ", i, " times")
## just say it apple times
## just say it banana times

it is related with length of vector

R Programming - for Loops

##  [1] "January"   "February"  "March"     "April"     "May"       "June"     
##  [7] "July"      "August"    "September" "October"   "November"  "December"
for(month in month.name) {
  message("The month of ", month)
## The month of January
## The month of February
## The month of March
## The month of April
## The month of May
## The month of June
## The month of July
## The month of August
## The month of September
## The month of October
## The month of November
## The month of December

R Programming - apply Loops

  • The apply() functions form the basis of more complex combinations and helps to perform operations with very few lines of code.
  • More specifically, the family is made up of the apply(), lapply() , sapply(), vapply(), mapply(), rapply(), and tapply() functions.
apply(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)

# X is an array or a matrix, dim(X) must have a positive length
# MARGIN=1, it applies over rows, whereas with 
# MARGIN=2, it works over columns. Note that when you use the construct 
# MARGIN=c(1,2), it applies to both rows and columns
# FUN, which is the function that you want to apply to the data. 
apply(precip_2b_summer, MARGIN=1, mean)
apply(precip_2b_summer, MARGIN=2, mean)
apply(precip_2b_summer, MARGIN=c(1,2), mean)
apply(precip_2b_summer, MARGIN=c(2,1), mean)

R Programming - apply Loops

R Programming - lapply Loops



Practice : Write A Function - 3

  • I have four different numbers w,x,y,z
  • I want to define them WHEN I am using the function
  • I want to calculate w+x IN function
  • I want to calculate y*z IN function
  • I want to print the results IN function
my_fun3 <- function(w,x,y,z){
result1 <- w+x
result2 <- y*z



# my_fun3()
## [1] 3
## [1] 12


  • menu() function
menu(c("Yes", "No"), title="What dou you think?")
menu1 <- menu(c("Yes", "No"), title="What dou you think?")

menu(c("Option1","Option2","Option3","Option4"), title="Choose one of them")
menu2 <- menu(c("Option1","Option2","Option3","Option4"), title="Choose one of them")

  • I have two different numbers x,y
  • I want to define them WHEN I am using the function
  • I want to define ONE calculation DURING the function
  • I want to print the results IN function
my_fun3 <- function(x,y){

math <- menu(c("+", "-", "*", "/"), title="Which calculation?")

  if (math==1) {
    result <- x+y
  } else if ( ) {
  } else if ( ) {
  } else  {


Practice : Write An IF-Statement - 2

  • Two answers
  • Two options
  • One Result
worry_flow <- function() {

answer1 <-  menu(c("Yes","No"), title = "Do you have a problem in your life ?")
  if (answer1 == 2) {
      print("Then Don't Worry")
  else {
      answer2 <- menu(c("Yes","No"), title = "Can you do something about it ?")
      if(answer2 == 1){
          print("Then Don't Worry")
      print("Then Don't Worry")

msgBox <- tkmessageBox(title = "Title of message box",
                       message = "THEN WYH WORRY!", 
                       icon = "info", 
                       type = "ok")
